Avelene Morrowseer
2015 Registered Purebred Connemara Stallion
Wildwych Wily Casanova X *Glenormiston Roscrea
N/HWSD Heterozygous grey from bay
Disposition, Type, and Athleticism
COI of 2.02% contributing Carna Bobby AGR 7%.
Morrowseer is the last colt foal out of the iconic *Glenormiston Roscrea and by the well accomplished stallion Wildwych Wily Casanova (o/o *Rudgeway Silver Filigree). We could not have stumbled on better damlines on BOTH sides of his pedigree! His breeding married type to performance affording us the highly sought after breed disposition. He is by far the most pleasant pony we have EVER worked with.
Morrow’s pedigree is jammed packed with under saddle and in hand performance ponies from both dam and sire lines: Oxenholm Gideon, Oxenholm Matador, and Bunowen Castle Ri. Ponies within his pedigree and very close to his pedigree are/have been repeat performance and in hand Champions/Supreme Champions. For North America, his get offers the opportunity for breeders to lower their program’s COI’s, space Carna Bobby and Abbeyleix Owen, and integrate multiple exemplary damlines. For nonbreeders, the world is your oyster when you are paired with a unicorn.
Morrow is uniquely kind and willing. Avelene is an AA geared program proudly offering a stallion that produces highly athletic yet easily started pony and pony crosses. Because Stallions only represent 1-2% of the overall distance horse population, his competition experience is projected to be limited. His pedigree speaks for itself regardless and he passes on his undeniable disposition. There is something refreshing about a stallion effortlessly managed in our capacity. Our program is geared to empower the same amateur trainer/rider looking to safely punch up their mark in the industry.
Morrow lives the atypical quiet life with us, ridden under saddle by beginner and amateur riders. He is handled daily by adults and children and continues to argue that he is "just like all the other ponies on the farm".
Morrow as a 7 year old Stallion